My preferred and most effective way to organize is together.  This way, I can find out what items you consider important to have most accessible, what things you may not use as often and what items we can remove.  Hearing about your habits and how you use the space will help me design a system best fit for you.  We will start by decluttering and doing any light cleaning needed.  Then we will focus on organizing and creating a functional system that you will be able to maintain.  Working together can give you a new perspective on how you view your possessions.  You will hear me talk through the process of sorting and organizing and I'll be able to give you tips and tricks as to what I think will work best for you and why.

Another way is for you to work with me for a bit and then go off and do something else while I finish up a section.  This is a good method if you get overwhelmed or tired of the process and would just like to step away, get some coffee or take the dog for a quick walk.  This works well because by checking in with me every so often, I can get the questions answered that I need in order to create the best possible space while you take care of other things.

If you would like me to work on my own, I can do that as well however, I ask that we spend time reviewing the area before I begin so we are clear about your goals and expectations.  This method is best for basements, garages, storage areas, sheds, and less personal spaces in which you don't really have a preference as to where things are located, you just want them organized.

In order to maximize your time and budget, I can provide you with "homework" between sessions if you prefer.  For example, if you want to focus on the papers laying all over your house you could collect them and sort them into like piles and discard/shred any you don't need before I arrive.  Then, I could show you how to implement several organizational paper systems that are proven effective, especially for "active" papers, receipts, bills, mail, kids school work and coupons to name a few.

Maintaining the spaces we organize is a very important phase.  Spending time, money and energy to organize only to let it slip back to its dysfunctional condition is very frustrating.  It takes time for new habits to become natural so knowing that I'l be back gives you the motivation to stick with it and to use the systems we've implemented.